So today I sent out a letter to them. It's just a card with a note that says we're thinking of them and in the card I wrote about how we can't wait to see them in July for a wedding that we'll all be going to. I mentioned that the pregnancy is going good and Grant is taking great care of me. I also wrote down the web address for my pregnancy blog so she can log in and read about it.
I think she's going to love getting the letter in the mail. Grant's mom said that she always sends letters but rarely receive any because not many people send letters anymore.
So although I don't plan on this being the last letter that I send to her I will be crossing this goal off my list. I'm glad to have gotten it done!
Awwwh you are sweet Kory I'm sure she'll treasure that card! :)
Can i just say...I LOVE GETTING SNAIL MAIL!!! Something about it...the suspense of what is inside. I can't wait to get inside to open it. Now my Inbox on email...not quite or even close to that feeling.
Kudos for Grandma...
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