I nominate the following;
Of course I would nominate Kaci but she was on Cindy's list
And there are many other blogs that I read but I don't know if then read mine. :)
My journey through life with my husband and dog by my side and a baby in my belly.
1. Complete my 101 in 1001 list
2. Blog about every time one of my 101 things are done (9/101)
3. Pay off all of our credit cards and loans
4. Organize all the closets in the house (0/6)
5. Buy a new car
6. Clean out the garage
7. Lose 30 pounds after Carter is born (0/30)- HA
8. Fence the backyard
9. Have a romantic dinner with Grant at the Melting Pot
10. Have a baby
11. Go 14 consecutive days (two weeks) without eating chocolate (0/10)
12. Paint our home office
13. Have a spa day
14. Clean and organize the shed in the back yard
15. Donate all of our old clothes to charity
16. Take Coco to the snow
17. Get rid of all of my shoes that I haven’t worn in the last 6 months
18. Completely clean my office at work
19. Donate my hair to Locks of Love
20. Have a yard sale
21. Finish the trim on all the windows in the house (8/8)
22. Go wine tasting
23. Teach Coco a new trick
24. Workout 16 times in one month (0/16)
25. Plant a tree
26. Play the Wii Rock Band on hard with at least 80% accuracy (haha)
27. Finish and order my wedding album
28. Attend my 10-year high school reunion
29. Get new carpet in all the bedrooms
30. Paint the exterior of the house
31. Mail 3 birthday cards (0/3)
32. Go on a cruise
33. Read a non-fiction book
34. Get new family photos taken
35. Go on a romantic weekend getaway
36. Go out with the girls for a night of dancing
37. Cook a Thanksgiving dinner
38. Buy all new underwear
39. Order a canvas print
40. Blog everyday for a month
41. Find and purchase a string of pearls plant
42. Finish my thank you cards from the wedding
43. Go 72 hours with no computer - Easy to do with an iphone, lol (yes I'm a cheater)
44. Try to drink a glass of milk (yuck)
45. Take a yoga/pilates class
46. Remodel the kitchen
47. Drop 3 pant sizes (0/3)
48. Read the Twilight series 66. Write a letter to Grant’s grandma and snail mail it
49. Get a new pair of glasses
50. Go fishing with Grant
51. Update passport and credit cards to married name
52. Buy new couch set53. Ride a roller coaster
54. Remodel the entire guest bathroom
55. Have $5,000 in the savings account
56. Go to the dentist every 6 months
57. Plant a garden
58. Have a family holiday at our house59. Frame the artwork in the dining room
60. Fix up our bicycles and go on a bike ride
61. Landscape the backyard
62. Landscape the front yard
63. Run 2 miles without stopping64. Go camping - Just got this one done and I LOVE them OMG!
65. Buy a new washer/dryer
67. Redo all the hanging pictures in the hallway
68. Completely fill out my pregnancy journal
69. Go on a hike with Grant
70. Buy blinds for the entire house (8/8)
71. Purchase a new dining room set
72. Purchase an area rug for the living room
73. Convert garage into Grant’s “man-cave”
74. Try to cook 5 new recipes (1/5)
75. Replace all the closet doors in the house
76. Sell 3 unused items in the house on Ebay (0/3)
77. Donate 250,000 grains of rice on Freerice (1,000/250,000)
78. Finish the master bath remodel (everything down to the baseboards)
79. Be able to do a proper cartwheel
80. Eat at 5 new restaurants (5/5)
81. Take a spin class
82. Take a day off work to do nothing
83. Fill out Carter’s baby book
84. Put $2.50 in a savings account every time I complete a goal (0/101)
85. Go one month without purchasing Starbucks
86. Go to the Zoo
87. Do 75 crunches 3 times a week (0/3)
88. Repot one of my work plants and give to Haley
89. Set up and start contributing to a retirement account
90. Make Grant a present instead of buying him one
91. Be able to check off 50 things to Cleansweep my life
92. Be able to check off 75 things to Cleansweep my life
93. Be able to check off 100 things to Cleansweep my life
94. Bake a layer cake for a family member’s birthday
95. Start scrapbooking
96. Donate blood 3 times (0/3)
97. Try 5 new foods (0/5)
98. Order wedding prints
99. Whiten my teeth
100. Make my bed every day for 14 days/2 weeks (0/14)
101. Get 3 other people to make a 101 in 1001 (0/3)